After several years of being in the works, I’m excited to let you know that my new album, Another Mile, is super close to being finished! All of my vocals are finished and we’re reviewing final mixes before we send the songs off to be mastered. We’re also working on the artwork for the CD cover and inserts and should have solid plans for those things in the next week or two. Then it’s just a matter of sending everything off to be duplicated. We’re hoping to be ready to release the album by February. We have used some of the best players in Nashville to build the band tracks, and I’ve been able to work with some amazing producers on my vocals. I’m really pleased with how the mixes are sounding and hope you will love the new songs!

I’m in need of a little bit of help to see us through the completion of the album and have launched a fundraising campaign through Indiegogo. Please visit my page to see how you can be involved on this project. You can read more about the people involved in making this album happen, see some additional photos taken along the way, and follow updates as they become available. When you make a contribution, you’ll be able to pick from perks (my way to say thank you), which include a download link to my new Christmas single which was released two weeks ago and you’ll get to hear a pre-release mix of one of the new songs.
Perhaps you’re wondering why you should consider giving toward album expenses when there are many, many charitable causes that you could give to. I’ve had to ask myself that question, too. To answer that, I’d like to share a story that has taken place over this year. In January, I received a message on my music page on Facebook from someone who came across one of my songs. This was the message that was sent: “Was playing around on Fb and heard your song someone to call my own… Never been much into the god thing but that song kinda got to me…just thought i’d tell ya that… Don’t know if your music gets at a lot of ppl but it got at one”.
She went on to share that she felt that I seemed to really believe what I was singing about, which led into deeper conversations about whether I truly believe in God and why. This presented a perfect opportunity for me to share my faith and to cross-examine my own heart for what I believe. As we continued to chat, she shared with me that she is battling brain cancer and fears death. She also shared how lonely she is and that she grew up in an abusive family. Through our conversation, I could feel the weight of her brokenness. I could also sense that the Holy Spirit was moving in her and causing her to seek Truth and perfect Love.
We have kept in touch through messages and even a couple phone calls. I’m excited to share that over these months, she is still seeking and has visited a couple churches. I pray that one day she’ll be open to receive God’s gift of salvation and will no longer be bound by fear, but will find the peace and joy that come through relationship with Jesus Christ.
She gave me permission to share a little bit of her story, and I share it with you to help you see the power a song can have in someone’s life. My music may not get heard by the masses, but if it helps one person come to faith in Christ, the it’s worth the time and resources that go into producing an album. It is because of this experience that I feel confident in knowing that asking for help with this is just as valid as the other causes that are out there. Each offers the hope of changing lives…just in different ways.