Coming Up for Air

Coming Up for Air

Breath of Heaven. A song I’ve heard for several decades now at Christmastime. For me, it’s one of those songs that has been played and sung so many times that it’s lost its appeal to me. As I listened to the soloist sing this at church on Sunday, the words took on new meaning and…

The Power of a Song

The Power of a Song

After several years of being in the works, I’m excited to let you know that my new album, Another Mile, is super close to being finished!  All of my vocals are finished and we’re reviewing final mixes before we send the songs off to be mastered.  We’re also working on the artwork for the CD…

O Come Let Us Adore Him

O Come Let Us Adore Him

The stockings were hung. The lights were strung. Signs of Jesus, there were none. The box holding our nativity set sat unopened, moved from room to room to get it out of the way.  In fact, I was getting ready to carry the box upstairs.  After all, it’s December 20th…why bother now? I would need…

Which Side Are You On?

Which Side Are You On?

For many of us, the past week has offered private and corporate times of remembrance of Jesus’ journey to the cross. We celebrated His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem with children waving palm branches during church services. There were love feasts and foot-washing services commemorating the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples and providing the…

Cross Examination

Cross Examination

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve had several tests done to check my heart. I’ve dealt with an elevated heart rate for several years now, but lately I’ve been feeling an increase in the number of flip-flops my heart seems to be making each day. While all the tests confirm tachycardia, I’ve been fortunate that…

God. Love. Chocolate

God. Love. Chocolate

It was a simple question. “How have you been?” That’s all. Four little words and a question mark contained very neatly in a text message. But I didn’t have an answer. To say I was fine didn’t feel honest, nor did saying I wasn’t. So, I decided to wait to figure out how I really…

The Number Games

The Number Games

I’ve played them. Truth be told, I still do. Chances are you’ve played them to. The games started for me when I was in elementary school…in the fifth grade, I believe. The school nurse told me I was overweight and made me weigh in every week. And so began a preoccupation with numbers. A system…

Joy to the World!

Joy to the World!

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room and heav’n and nature sing.” (George Frederick Handel and Isaac Watts) An ordinary night for some unsuspecting shepherds many years ago turned into a momentous occasion that would impact mankind for eternity. Suddenly, an angel of…

Be Still…

Be Still…

The challenge comes with the first two words of the verse – “be still”. Lately I feel as though there is no time to be still. Life has become full of busyness and noise. I think it is something we, as a society, have become accustomed to and accept as the norm. Our bodies have…